Artful Texas Endeavors: The Stylish Life of Austin’s Nick Campbell

September 14, 2023
1 min read
Nick Campbell of Campbell Fine Art Advisory

Nick Campbell, founder of Campbell Art Advisory, is a very busy man these days. The extremely stylish Londoner-turned-Austinite is always on the go while jetting the globe…and he also finds that his new hometown of Austin is hopping with artful opportunities these days. Here, he shares his stylish insight on life with his pal, our Lance Avery Morgan.

Robert Redford, early 1960s

The best career advice I’ve received is…Don’t waste your time worrying about how to win the marathon…just focus on winning the 100m sprint, time and again, and before you know it you’ll have won the marathon. 

My personal style signifier is…the color blue. 

The classic movie actor’s style I most identify with is…Robert Redford.

Three qualities that got me where I am today are…Open-mindedness, determination, and luck. 

Easiest career decision I ever made is…to have had the courage to go it alone. 

If I lived in a foreign city it would be…Amsterdam.

Amsterdam. Courtesy of Wikipedia Commons

Change I’d like to see in my industry…more regulation. All too often we read about how yet another scam artist has been operating in the art world, which in turn unfairly deepens people’s skepticism and distrust. 

How I made my first dollar…was selling an Andy Warhol print that I’d bought for a steal at an auction two weeks prior. 

Courtesy of Paramount Television

Last thing I binge/marathon watched…Yellowstone

First album I bought…Bat Out Of Hell by Bon Jovi

If I could compete in an Olympic sport it would be…Cross-country skiing.

If I weren’t doing what I do I would…A film location scout. 

A celebrity I would prank phone call and what I would ask them is…Matthew McConaughey and I’d ask him how he was feeling. 

Bill Nighy. Courtesy of Wikipedia Commons

My style icon is…Bill Nighy.

The last meal that truly impressed me was…Mexican food at Suerte in Austin.

An artist whose work I would collect is…Kehinde Wiley.

Book that left a lasting impression on me…Any Human Heart by William Boyd.

In my fridge you will always find…Marmite.

Kelly Frye. Courtesy of IMDB.

What everyone/man/woman should try in her lifetime is…Meditation.

My perfect day would end…Sitting outdoors, watching the sunset with a drink in hand, surrounded by dogs, and my gorgeous wife, Kelly Frye.  

On my tombstone it will sayDo and Hope.

Lance Avery Morgan

Curated Texan Co-founder Lance Avery Morgan, a media executive and co-founder of Brilliant, The Society Diaries, and Society Texas magazines (and as an editor for many more), takes pride in being a sixth-generation Texan. Starting his career in media in Los Angeles set the stage for creating hundreds of hours of television programming, representing some of the world’s brightest stars, and honing his craft of connecting the social dots at a high level. Morgan is also the founder of Texas Luxury Consultants, a consulting firm created to liaise five-star brands with the five-star Texan. (Portrait photography by Romy Suskin)

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