The Louis Vuitton Mon Monogram Experience

March 3, 2023
2 mins read

Louis Vuitton is one of those amazing brands that truly transcends time, since the late 1890s the famous brown and gold monogram canvas has stood for style, quality, and luxury. While handbag and luggage styles have changed over the last 125 years, Louis Vuitton’s customization service, Mon Monogram, has endured allowing buyers to personalize their bag, luggage, wallet, and other Louis Vuitton products with a unique monogram, stripe combination, and interior color combinations, making a truly one of a kind bag.

One of the few things my wife has always said she wanted was a Louis Vuitton Neverfull, so as a gift to her for our wedding I scheduled a special stop on our honeymoon to visit the Louis Vuitton store in Austin, Texas. She wanted to order the bag with her new initials as a way of celebrating our new life together. While you can purchase and customize a bag online via the official Louis Vuitton website, I really do suggest you visit a store in person, enjoy the experience, and let their expert staff help guide you through the process. Had we ordered online, it is likely that Jennifer would have selected the larger size Neverfull, which when seeing it in person, was larger than she had expected.

Once you arrive the process is fairly straightforward, you’ll be seated at a table and the sales clerk pulls out the style of bag you plan on customizing. On a tablet, we created a mock-up with the different stripe styles, colors, and monogram layouts. Jennifer selected two initials, a blue and cream stripe pattern, and a blue interior for her bag. It does cost a few hundred dollars more for the customization than buying a standard bag over the counter, but it does make it more special. After that, the clerk rang up our total and swiped my card, and our order was off to France where a special team would make Jennifer’s one-of-a-kind bag, the process would take six to eight weeks.

Jennifer and I went about our honeymoon for a few more days in Austin before heading to Fredericksburg. Upon returning home we settled into married and waited for the call that her bag had arrived, we opted to pick it up in person as it is always nice to have an excuse to head into Austin. Picking up the bag was by far the most fun part of the experience, our client advisor who had helped us order the bag had it waiting and presented it to us, after making sure all of the initials and stripes were correct, everything was boxed back up and put into one of their signature orange gift bags.

Jennifer was very excited about her bag, not only was it something she had always wanted, but it was a symbol of our new life together and her new struggle of having to correct people on how to spell and pronounce Satterfield. While it might seem extravagant to some, bags like this, if well cared for, will last a lifetime. Plus, since it hasn’t gone out of style in the last 125 years, it is a safe bet for the long term.

Michael Satterfield

Curated Texan Co-founder Michael Satterfield is an award-winning journalist, traveler, photographer, and lifelong automotive enthusiast who has been featured in Forbes, Hot Rod Magazine, A-Cars, Easy Riders, and many other publications. Satterfield founded the popular men’s lifestyle site,, as a blog in 2002, which has grown to become an online and print magazine, reaching hundreds of thousands of readers every month.

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