Is life more colorful in Texas? Most would say a resounding yes, it is. The new book, Once In A Blue Moon, an illustrated memoir by Dallasite Jenny Reeves (the stunning mother of fan favorite DJ Lucy Wrubel, sprang to life when she partnered with artisan Kyle Hobratschk. The insightful book is based on Reeves’ childhood days in Oklahoma and as Hobratschk learned Reeves’ story and the ordeals of her past unfurled, he began to see her world depicted from the 1940s. Once he presented some early sketches to Reeves, it was clear the author and illustrator had a connection in bringing this work to fruition. Here, our all-things-Texan Lance Avery Morgan caught up with Jennie Reeves, one of Dallas’ favorite, and most stylish, residents to learn more about her stylish authorial life.

The best career advice I’ve received is…To be informed and on time.
Three qualities that got me where I am today are…High energy, confidence, and hard work.
Easiest career decision I ever made is…To be a teacher, then knowing when to change careers.

How I made my first dollar…Wrapping department store Christmas gifts while in high school.
First musician/movie star crush I had was…James Dean.
Last thing I binge/marathon watched…Downton Abbey.
Book that left a lasting impression on me…Death in the Family by James Agee.

Favorite drink I enjoy serving is….Vodka Tonic with three limes.
If I lived in a foreign city it would be…London
Favorite way I like to make people laugh is…The story of when I bought a white Jaguar after my husband said I couldn’t.

If I could compete in an Olympic sport it would be…Skiing.
If I weren’t doing what I do, then I would be…An actor.
My style icon is…Coco Chanel.
My personal style signifier is…Hats and lots of turquoise.
The classic designer I wish was still designing today would be…Geoffrey Beane.

The last meal that truly impressed me was…In Santa Fe at Sassella.
In my fridge you will always find…Milk. Real milk.
In one sentence my friends might describe me as…She is bossy, but usually right.