When it comes to being multi-talented, sculptor and jewelry designer Angela Mia is unparalleled. The passion with which she approaches her projects is legendary and unforgettable. A wearer of her jewelry designs feels instantly more regal and her lifelike-with-whimsy sculptures are a sight to behold. Here, her longtime pal Lance Avery Morgan catches up with her to learn more about the personality behind the colossal talent.

The best career advice I’ve received is…“People don’t buy what you do. They buy why you do it.” Simon Sinek.

Three qualities that got me where I am today as an artist and jewelry designer are…1. Respectful communication: I treat everyone with respect, no matter who they are, making sure we communicate on a level field. 2. Dedication to quality in every single piece that is created. 3. Vulnerability in my work, to create a deep and authentic connection with the story.
Easiest career decision I ever made is…To embrace teamwork and invite talented people into my process. I cannot do my work on my own––I need my team of brilliant and reliable partners (foundry workers, patineur, galleries) to make my work whole.

What is influencing me creatively in design and art right now is…I find that when I reveal my emotions vulnerably, a bridge is formed between my heart and those of others; My story becomes another person’s story. That my expression is adopted by someone else and made his or her own gives me an affirming sense of self-worth. I love seeing the possibilities of an emotion-evoking, sculpted story in my mind, first for a bronze limited-edition composition. I find it exhilarating to then translate the sculpture into a more intimate design; into jewelry pieces that can carry the story just a little bit farther to be enjoyed outside of the home.
How I made my first dollar…My first dollar as an artist was when I sold a wooden sculpture that I’d carved titled Reclining Figure. It was part of a collective exhibit at a museum in Juarez, Mexico. The piece sold to a woman from Connecticut, and it made my year.
First music I bought was…As a wee little girl, my mother promised to give me the Shirley Temple record if I could stop sucking my thumb for an entire week (I was far too old to still have the habit). I loved Shirley Temple so much that I managed to earn the album!

Last thing I binge/marathon watched…Griselda with Sofía Vergara.
If I lived in a foreign city, it would be…Somewhere quiet, perhaps in the south of France. Maybe Saint Paul de Vence…it is a quaint village with a lot of artists and galleries along cobblestone streets, like out of a fairytale book.
What everyone/man/woman should try in her lifetime is…Meeting an elephant. They are such wise, deeply emotional creatures.
If I could compete in an Olympic sport it would be…Volleyball, preferably on the beach.
If I weren’t doing what I do I would (be a…)A surgeon––specifically a facial plastic surgeon.
A celebrity I would prank phone call and what I would ask them is…Seth Rogan, just to make him laugh because he has the best laugh.

Book that left a lasting impression on me…A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini. In fact, so much so that I couldn’t pick up another book for a while after.
My style icon is…I don’t have a specific style icon–I find myself being inspired by beautiful women everywhere all the time. I like originality and a fashion sense that works in unexpected ways.
The last meal that truly impressed me was…Two dishes from a restaurant Up On Knox in Dallas: the salmon carpaccio and the halibut. My compliments to the Chef.
My personal style signifier is…Wearing one of my own cuffs with any outfit, whether I’m dressing up or going casual.
The classic designer I wish was still designing today would be…Alexander McQueen. He was a revolutionary thinker and his ability to infuse emotion and storytelling into his work has profoundly impacted me and so many others.

In my fridge you will always find…Blueberries and Kefir.
My perfect day would end…Snuggling on the sofa with my husband, watching a thought-provoking show.
On my tombstone it will say…Daughter, Mother, Wife, Sister, Friend, Artist… and hopefully, Grandmother!
Wonderful article!! We love Angela Mia!!