Coloring Outside the Lines: Dallas Contemporary Artist Brad Ellis Paints Happiness

January 12, 2024
1 min read
Snake Charmer. By Brad Ellis

You might call it the Canvas Chronicles. Brad Ellis has had a storied career as an artist who has distinguished himself by embracing the ancient medium of “encaustic”…hot wax painting which is a process where heated beeswax is mixed with pigments and applied to board or canvas and then fused to the surface with a heat source. Sound simple? It isn’t, but the result creates an ebulliently colorful palette. Here, our Lance Avery Morgan catches up with his cool artist pal to learn more about the creativity that goes with the talent who creates all these happy and complex artworks.

The best career advice I’ve received is…“Son, no one can make your art but you”….I forgot who told me that.

Book that left a lasting impression on me…Green Eggs and Ham.

Three qualities that got me where I am today as an artist are…Movie star looks. Incredible wit. Unparalleled genius.

Easiest career decision I ever made is…Deciding not to be a rocket scientist.

What is influencing me creatively right now is…My dog, Archie.

How I made my first dollar…Tooth Fairy.

Last thing I binge/marathon watched…The Texas Rangers playoffs and World Series run.

First album I bought…From The Mars Hotel by The Grateful Dead.

If I lived in a foreign city it would be…Barbie Land.

What everyone/man/woman should try in her lifetime is…Unconditional love.

If I weren’t doing what I do I would be a…Rocket Scientist.

If I could compete in an Olympic sport it would be…Skeleton. Yes, that is an Olympic sport.

Skelteon Olympic Sport. Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

A celebrity I would prank phone call and what I would ask them is…I’m not really into making prank phone calls but if I were, I’d call Kim Kardashian, and pretend to be Mike Lindell a.k.a. “The Pillow Guy” and tell her that we had just developed and replicated her most famous asset into the form of a pillow and ask if she would be interested in promoting it on TV.

My style icon isJackson Pollock.

Jackson Pollock, 1950. Courtesy of Encyclopedia Britannica

My personal style signifier is…Paint-splattered clothing.

The classic movie actor’s style I most identify with is…Jeff Bridges, “The Dude”, in The Big Lebowski.

The last meal that truly impressed me was…What my wife Cindi, made for dinner last night. She’s a great cook.

Another artist whose work I would collect (or like to collect) is…Dr. Suess.

In my fridge you will always find…Cerveza.

My perfect day would end…With the successful completion of a new painting.

On my tombstone it will say…Living, Loving & Learning: Not So Much Anymore.

Lance Avery Morgan

Curated Texan Co-founder Lance Avery Morgan, a media executive and co-founder of Brilliant, The Society Diaries, and Society Texas magazines (and as an editor for many more), takes pride in being a sixth-generation Texan. Starting his career in media in Los Angeles set the stage for creating hundreds of hours of television programming, representing some of the world’s brightest stars, and honing his craft of connecting the social dots at a high level. Morgan is also the founder of Texas Luxury Consultants, a consulting firm created to liaise five-star brands with the five-star Texan. (Portrait photography by Romy Suskin)

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